Saturday, August 27, 2011

Not bad so far ...

When, oh WHEN am I going to learn that I can not tolerate bread!?

But before I get into that, I've had a couple good days. Yesterday I weighed myself, though our digital scale is acting up so I'm not entirely sure it's accurate. I also took measurements ... yikes. Talk about the cold, hard truth (or soft, squishy truth, which would be more accurate here). Not sharing these figures. Maybe when I get to my goal, but for now - eek. I just can't share. Too embarrassing.

Let's see ... ate rather well; not a lot of flour, and sugar? Let me think ... no, not a lot of sugar now that I think of it. Last night as I was working, I got a craving as I do most every night. I usually crave a bowl of cereal, but last night, it was for one of the Drumsticks we have in the freezer (the ice cream kind, not the from-a-chicken kind. Anyone who knows me knows that I would NEVER eat a chicken drumstick). But I ignored the craving and kept right on working. Would have been too hard to eat an ice cream cone while typing anyway.

This morning, I felt a pull for a Burger King croissanwich, but again, drove right on by. I hadn't given myself time to eat breakfast, but luckily my boss made some mini zucchini muffins and brought them in, so I held myself over with one of those. Yes, one. Amazing, no? She had also made a Chex-like mix that was super yummy. I had some at about noon to hold myself over until lunch at 1.

Then, tonight, we had spaghetti, and I had a small serving. But then, I was pulled in by the dang garlic toast. Within minutes after I ate it, I was so bloated and felt sickish. I'm not sure if it's the mold allergy or what, but I felt pretty bad.

The good news is that I was sitting on the couch feeling bloated and awful, and decided to work out. So, I did a 35-minute step aerobic tape - I know, can I BE any more 90s? But I love doing step aerobics, and I've gotten into pretty great shape doing it in the past. I also did some weights, mostly arms, for about 15 minutes.

No snacks tonight. That's two nights in a row with no snacking, which is really good for me.

I came across an interesting article today as well. Actually, it was just the intro to the article, but it caught my attention:

Tweak Your Lifestyle - by Jessican Girdwain, Health magazine

It's a familiar story: you pledge to honor a daily elliptical routine and count every last calorie. But soon, you're eating cupcakes at the office and grabbing happy hour mojitos, thinking, Oops, diet over.

There is a better way: Swap the all-or-nothing approach for one or two healthy switch-ups in your daily routine. "Doing this can lead to more weight loss than you ever imagined," says Marissa Lippert, RD, author of The Cheater's Diet. [Side note: Love that book title. I'm so going to check that out.]

The article went on to share these small tips that women who had lost quite a bit of weight did, like never skipping breakfast or listening to super fun music while working out, and the point was that they just did these minor changes, not some whole big lifestyle overhaul.

Which is what I do all the time. Only, I won't just stop at restricting my diet and vowing to work out every day. I'll tack on "I'll floss my teeth twice a day." "I'll get up 20 minutes early to have my quiet time every morning." "I'll have a spotless house by the end of the day every day." and so on. So many changes all at once, pretty much guaranteeing that I'll fail.

It's these small, mindful steps that can really make a difference, which is what I'm counting on. And for me, working out is SO key. When I'm working out on a regular basis, I just automatically eat better and eat less.

So, that's what's going on so far. Pretty pleased with myself. I was going to post a "before" photo, but forgot to have one taken. Maybe tomorrow.

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